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    RF Connectivity Solutions and More

    Pioneering connectivity concepts have propelled Sunway Communication into a global leader. With a broad range of products covering most of the transmit and receive chains, we understand the system impact of each critical component we supply. Our global customer base across multiple industries has made us experts in products for virtually any system: Bluetooth, WiFi, GNSS (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, Beidou, etc.), NFC, and of course the various cellular standards like 4G LTE and 5G with MIMO incl. related mm-wave components. Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is another technology where Sunway is taking a leading role. We have partnered with NXP Semiconductors and created UWB solutions, both off-the-shelf modules, tags and antennas as well as the capability to customize antennas and other solutions to customers worldwide.

    RF Spring Contacts
